TL;DR My last day at Mozilla already happened, but I’m still me. I bring together disparate things to foster learning, spread openness and design for participation. I’m a creative generalist who likes to make stuff, and I’m open to exploring opportunities.
About 5.5 years ago I took a broken dream to the first Mozilla Festival (at the time it was called Drumbeat) in Barcelona. Going to this festival with my struggling project was a last ditch effort, I was hanging on, trying to make it work.
Drumbeat was the place that I was finally able to let go, start over, try again. The people I met there gave me new ideas, they introduced me to a way of working that fit with how my brain operates. Drumbeat lit a fire under me. I met Mozillians.

I’ve resisted the status quo because when I’ve questioned it, I don’t usually receive satisfactory answers. Over the years, Mozillians taught me how to focus my defiance towards a common good. It’s that focus that has cultivated me and my way of being in the professional space.
I believe in open, and I believe that what Mozilla is trying to do for the world is a just cause. Openness can be hard, but in my experience the right thing is always more difficult.
Last Monday was my final day as a paid contributor, and I’m in the process of detangling Mozilla from my own identity. We’ve grown up together in this community. We have rallied around a nascent vision and made it something that is resonating throughout the world. I am proud to have contributed to every aspect of the Foundation’s work – from strategy to learning design to prototyping to evangelism to community management to production – I’ve helped Mozilla innovate in the teaching and learning space.
Our work has inspired people, and I’ll always be a Mozillian. But I want to be more too. Mozilla is a part of me, but it can no longer define me.

I don’t know what’s next for me, and that’s ok. I will continue to think and write and make and learn and fail, and I will continue to embody the open ethos. Even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard. In the immediate future, I will pause, breathe and take stock. I can literally do anything with the competencies and skills I’ve developed and honed over the years. That feels like a powerful invitation to do the right things.
There is a lot of right in the world. I’m looking for something where I can design learning/engagement opportunities, develop leaders and apply open practices, digital/web literacies and all things geeky. I want to help people/orgs grow, collectively, as they allow me to grow together with them. I want to shift power structures and community dynamics, be a voice for people who need one and just be who I am – defiant, curious, unwavering in the ideals of open.
If you think you have a right thing for me, let me know. You all know how to find me. laura [at] is where you started interacting with me in 2010, and it’s where you can continue to do so. You can also find me on twitter or LinkedIn (or just google me, I’m all over the web). I hope some of you reach out – there are plenty of wonderful memories and new ideas to discuss, and I will always be here for my Mozilla friends.
Laura, I’m fortunate enough to count you both as a former colleague but also a current friend. I’m excited for what the future holds for you. I’ve never worked with someone who brings so much energy, creative thought, and talent in one package! :)
I speak as a volunteer working with mofo and attending mozfest, you are and will be one of the best creative minds I have worked with. Thanks for all you have done for the communities worldwide guiding us where ever we needed help (recalling our last interaction about regional coordinators). Wishing you best for the adventures to come.
Thanks epileptic-rabbit.
Hi Laura,
We only met I think once but I followed much of your work and wanted to thank you for your impact at Mozilla. Keep on rocking!
You were both our moral compass and a well of knowledge. Even when the needle nnever stopped spinning you gathered us on a bright path. I feel so lucky to have worked with you as a volunteer.
Laura, your energy and your crazy (in a very good sense) mind will be missed. You wrote ” I’ll always be a Mozillian” and that gives me hope, hope that we will meet again somewhere, somehow…
But I’m sure of one thing, wherever you go, whatever you do, you will bring your energy, dedication, great mind to your new project. Your future colleagues will be lucky.
Oh man, what support and love already in the comments. HOW DO I ECHO MOARRRR?!?!?!?
My lovely Laura, you are great. Keep being your awesome self.
I cannot WAIT to see what exciting adventure you find yourself in next. <3
I’m so thankful for the chance to follow your work wherever it happens, Laura – bravissima – can’t wait to see what’s next!
Hi Laura, sad that you leave Mozilla, but what you say here make lot of sense. I’m happy that we crossed path lots of times, I learned a lot with you and others and we will continue doing this.
Good luck and if you came to Buenos Aires, drop an email
I’m not sure we detangled YOU from Mozilla, you’re right here in a vastness of people you’ve empowered, mentored and shepherded in the words, ways and determination to teach. You leave a legacy I am very proud to be a part of – see you on the web Laura , excited to see (and learn from) what you do next.
Laura, it was a pleasure working with you on community events, Hive trainings, and GitHub curriculum experiments. You are truly an edu-hacker who inspires and empowers others.
Hey Laura,
I wanted to thank you once again for being not only a mentor, but an inspiration to where I want to take my life going forward. The time I spent working with you at Mozilla was the best learning and fun that I have ever had. Recently I was speaking to a lecturer at university, and found myself talking about ideas and philosophies I gained from you.
You’ve not only helped shape me, but I am positive that you’ve shaped Mozilla too. It’s a shame that you’re leaving (as it is pretty much any time someone leaves) however I know that you wont be a stranger to the community, and you’ll continue to make the world around you a better, more open place to live.
All the best in your new adventures.
— Fuzzy
Sweetie Laura, so sad to hear that you’re leaving Mozilla but what you said make sense. Great to see you writing “I’ll always be a mozillian”. I am so happy to have the chance to work with you and sharing some crazy idea. I appreciate your support and help for Mozilla. You are the craziest gorgeous women I have met. Love you and good luck for your next adventure :D
Congrats to one of the most intelligent, prescient people I know. The mere mortals & netizens are trying to figure out what what the web means. Epileptic Rabbit is right now scheming & developing in the lab what we’ll need in the future.
I’m excited to see what happens when the curtains open & the next act begins.
Have fun in the new stuff . You have been great @ Mozilla and I wouldn’t be pushing #teachtheweb ideas in my Uni application without you and the community you inspired.
See you around :)