Last week, Greenpeacers got together for our Community Call. We kicked off with some quick updates from whomever wanted to share. Ara talked about the Engagement Support (ES) team meeting. They are making it as collaborative and open as possible. The team is making sure other teams have time to talk about their strategies and visions. The ES team hopes to gain context to make sure their work correlates and intersects. Collaboration is always better than silos!
Matt talked about the Engagement Strategy template, a large body of work with seven separate areas of focus:
- Organisational theory of change
- Audience understanding, segmenting and targeting
- Engagement systems and data process
- Breadth strategy
- Depth strategy
- Open strategy
- Integration Strategy
The first step is collecting and collating resources from across Greenpeace. This is knowledge management. It’s pleasing to see a diverse project team working together to put information in a more useful form.
Brian has an upcoming Story 101 presentation for Oxfam and is helping Friends of the Earth on their organisational story. He also wrapped a workshop on a boat with GP Med and mentioned heading to Athens to do a workshop.
Joe shared what he’s been working on as well. He recently attended the IT skillshare and said it was “pretty ok”. Amrekha asked how the Greenpeace story was represented at the skillshare, to which Joe replied,
“Have you heard of the story & the 7 shifts? Yes. Does it exist? Yes. Anyone want to talk about it? No.”
I’m pleased to hear that IT is going to start doing some more intentional community building. They’re currently looking for a communication tool that allows for real-time. The IT team has set up the open source RocketChat to play around with! Anyone with a Greenpeace email address can take part in the experiments. IT would love some contributions from non-IT people.

Updates are important for breaking down the silos we tend to build around individual teams. Next, we talked about breaking apart the word “courage” and everything it encompasses. We picked apart physical courage – the kind that tends to come to mind when you hear the word. In short, it’s heroism. We had some great examples of everyday courage. Read the notes to find them.
We talked about whether the distinction of various types of courage was valuable. The broad definition of courage is “feeling fear and choosing to act anyway”. We discussed distinguishing various types of courage. This is helpful in visualizing how courage might be wider than what we think. The separation helped us to think of more examples.
Johanna pasted in this Theodore Roosevelt quote:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Then, she talked about the Diversity and Inclusion Pilot Project. This effort is to inspire culture change, diversity and inclusion at Greenpeace. The project begins with a culture and diversity audit. We need to know what the road blocks of changing our internal culture are. Diversity and inclusion has to be intentional. The proposal is here and currently being discussed at the HR directors meeting in Amsterdam.

After a quick update on the relaunch of Greenwire, we turned our attention to the new project. I shared the Open Decision Framework I made. This remix (original here) will serve as an open communication plan. I want this project to show Greenpeacers that radical openness is beneficial in ways we can hardly imagine. So I brought it to the community call to ask what people think the new should be like.
This discussion and open project will be ongoing. We were short on time, but three initial ideas from participants for
- Include ecological maker content (e.g. a kind of Green Instructables for folks who want to create solar-powered projects, or sustainable 3-D printing, or organic cooking)
- Strive to connect communities, help people find one another
- Highlight and invite diversity, show courage in action, help people step outside their comfort zones
For future calls, we’ll talk about how we will plan to maintain the new and distribute ownership of it. We’ll invite updates on key influencers, facilitate a passionate debate on the Greenpeace energy policy (the one that says we are not allowed to use anything hosted on AWS) and we’ll probably chat about fun stuff – like what we’re watching on TV or what color shoes we’re wearing.
In short, we’ll continue to host this OPEN biweekly call. We are always hoping to attract more Greenpeacers, so if you’re interested come on by! All the details are here.