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Thanks for finding me!

👋 Hi! I’m an expert in open principles, community building, technology for a better world and some other things.


Being cooperative.

We Are Open Co-op

I work independently on a variety of creative endeavors and enjoy working through We Are Open Co-op on complex client projects. The co-op members are crazy smart and overall fantastic humans. They’ve called me a “tech wizard”, “creative genius” and “expert facilitator”.


Biography Basics.

I’m a generalist and a specialist. An open strategist. A facilitator. A writer. A technologist. An intellectual multipod. A skater. I’m a lot of things. I create bridges where community, technology and learning meet up.

I work with Greenpeace quite a bit. I spent over 5 years at Mozilla. I am a founding member of the We Are Open Co-op. I’ve failed at a start-up and succeeded at earning a Masters in Media & Education. I write books and make stuff.

I mostly work at trying to make the world a better, cleaner, more equitable place. I like decentralization and distributed leadership.


I’m a thinker and a maker. I teach, speak, collaborate, make and write to help organizations with digital transformation, leadership development, curriculum and open strategies. I work to build healthy, open communities and am an Ambassador for Find out more about what I do or just get in touch!


Stuff I write.


Writing openly.

I write for the WAO blog, Greenpeace publications, and many other places on the web. Everything I write eventually ends up on this site, and there are posts here that don’t appear anywhere else. Have a search of the archives if you’re looking for something!

  • [FBT] on Watching and Waiting
    Maybe I’m watching Looks like all we need to do to save the world is get our narrative in order. We need a unified message. Corruption as a central point will help. So I guess the message is “Those guys are corrupt af.” Ok, now that we’ve taken care of that, we should probably feel… Read More »[FBT] on Watching and Waiting
  • [FBT] on Acorns and Authorship
    Maybe I’m burying The ice is melting, so we’re finding junk from other civilisations. I call it junk because I live in a 350 year old farmhouse. Whenever I dig around in the garden, I find some junk. I found an old shoe once, circa early 1900s. And a smashed top hat with musical notes… Read More »[FBT] on Acorns and Authorship
  • [FBT] on Resistance and Revision
    Maybe I’m posting Lately, in every newsletter I read, people are talking about the onslaught of our sanity. It’s a tactic, folks have pointed out, clearly outlined during Orange Administration Numero Uno. They told us all they were going to implement their weird and darkly terrifying policy junk. Everything is going according to plan. Hopefully… Read More »[FBT] on Resistance and Revision