Weeknote January 4 – 8

Since September 9, 2013 I have organized my work using a mashup of weeknotes and to-do lists. Over the years I’ve had success and failure at a great many things. My weeknote system must have been a success though because 7 years after starting it, I’m still using it. I modify it a bit from time to time, aesthetically anyway. Just today I stumbled upon my 2013 automagical posting of week notes, which used a service called Postach.io. This service still exists, but I must have canceled the account because it doesn’t remember me. For you, dear reader, this is a reminder to delete old internet accounts because that’s the secure and sustainable thing to do.
Also on a regular basis, I recommit to writing and/or blogging. Usually I do this at the beginning of the year, around the time I commit to not being a workaholic. This is always a crapshoot, but here we are again.
This year, to help me maintain a regular bit of posting, I’m going to try and publish my weeknotes regularly. This will give me accountability to blog at least a little bit, while also sharing how my weeks roll.
During the holidays
I made myself a new weeknote template in Evernote and a weekly blog template in Scrivener. I also started recording Maybe Zombies as an audiobook (!).
I did a mess of co-op administrative tasks and cleared out some outstanding accounting stuff. I also wrote a bit, checked on licensing things and scheduled some posts. I updated my privacy policy and fixed the annoying GDPR cookie banner on my website.
I started the day thinking I would focus on writing, and I sort of did. But in between, I reviewed my tax return, wrote the first WAO Meeting agenda for the year, played with Toggl Plan and began onboarding myself as the new Learning Fractal editor. So much for maintaining focus.
I documented some ideas for a new podcast, recorded Chapter 2 of Maybe Zombies and had a meeting with my co-op colleagues. Then I started planning for next week’s first co-op half day, as we quickly realized there is a lot, a lot to do.
I reflected on my values and belief (lite, I know) and ate chicken soup. I scheduled my newsletter, and then I spoke with some lovely folks at Red Hat about their “Open Source, Open Minds” series. Last year the co-op did several projects helping charities deal with the new online reality through a fund called Catalyst. It was fulfilling work, and so I worked on a new funding application.
I’ll edit Chapter 2 and do admin work.