It was an incredible weekend of collaboration, peer to peer learning, and making at the Mozilla Festival. Thanks to all the Scrum and Session facilitators who showed up, engaged people and made things in collaboration with your peers. Thanks to ALL the people that participated in Build + Teach the Web.
I didn’t go to any of your sessions, I didn’t make your amazing projects with you. But I watched you teach the web, I watched you help others teach the web, I watched you build and learn and grow as a community and I saw it all. “Community” itself is a pretty abstract concept, but I saw a community, and it was beautiful.
Thank you to the Mozillian(s) who:
- got off the couch when I came by with a chalkboard that read “I’m making, and I need someone who knows HTML5.” You spent the rest of the weekend collaborating to make something amazing. The idea for that thing came from a new dad who couldn’t be at Mozfest. His amazing and generous colleague really wanted to honor his idea, and you helped her do that.
- made signs to mark what they were doing, and generously accepted new people at their tables when I said “Hey, this person wants to learn – can you help?”
- saw me searching for a trash can, and took the orange peel out of my hand so that I could continue to wrangle the space, which was in constant flux. This same amazing person did about 7000 other things that made my life and the life of others easier, happier, better. Thank you.
- built and built and built all weekend, not for yourself, but for the people around you. I heard you ask “What’s next?” multiple times, and I saw you smile as people gave you more to make.
- were new to the Mozilla universe, but went out of their way to understand why we do what we do and in the end became Mozillians themselves.
- helped Kat and me write all those Scrum Cards out. Another thanks to the Mozillian who helped write the cards, and then over the course of the weekend became integral to one of the Scrum teams.
- got me jazzed up to make a Space MOOC. That’s totally going to happen.
- made/issued/collected badges for the Scrum topics and otherwise helped out massively by engaging people, reaching out, showing true collaboration.
- dealt with last minute schedule changes and helped me create new spaces for your moved sessions when the 6th floor was completely packed.
- sat down and hacked on any of the Scrum cards, whether for five minutes or five hours. It was truly invigorating to watch the cards move across the wall.
- pointed out a typo on a Schedule timing so that I could fix it.
- asked for help.
- gave me vertigo.
- told me not to stress, that everything would be ok.
- understood why I was running around and forgave me for not spending more time with each and every one of you.
I’ll stop there, but there are hundreds more interactions that have been keeping me smiling. Interactions with participants, volunteers, and staff alike. Basically, you ALL made my 4th Mozfest better than any other. Thank you.