Wednesday November 6th, the Mentor team gathered in a team call to debrief on Mozfest and talk about what’s coming up in 2014. Here’s the TL;DR
Best Moments from the Last Week
The New York crew is excited about their recent move to a bigger, better more integrated office, which is located at 45 Main Street in Brooklyn. They certainly have a nice view. We also celebrated the official arrival of a longtime contributor to the paid contributor team. Welcome Julia!
Other folks enjoyed some PTO in the mountains, on the Mediterranean, bee bopping around India or just at home – everyone was happy for the post-MozFest reflection time.
The Ignite project soft-launched Gigabit Hive and the amazing Amira supported LATAM Maker Party organizers with multiple Maker Parties.
WebLitStd & Badges
After covering our “best moments from the last week”, we talked about the expansion of work around badges and the Web Literacy Standard. Many of us on the Mentor team would like to build out badge ecosystems and/or have the competencies and skills from the WebLitStd badgeable so that we can align our content initiatives, help partners and prove that the WebLitStd is an extremely valuable framework (we know it is, but it’s currently a “specification”, so use cases are needed!)
Additionally, we explored furthering tagging /teach content with the WebLitStd competencies in a more targeted way. That led to the heads-up that a few of us will dive back into the /teach page to design how our ladder of engagement and packaging work manifests itself on
Mozfest Debrief
Here are some of the things that we felt went really well:
- the Schedule App
- the Scrum
- getting people to make Teaching Kits
- engagement
- interest in our programs (Hives, Maker Party, Mentor stuff…)
- the Maker Party
- our Partners are fantastic
- badges
- more youth opportunities
things that could be improved:
- the Keynotes
- cross track collaboration (especially between Mentor team tracks)
- coordination around and bigger calls-to-action for documenting and create teaching kits
- helping mentors find mentees and vice versa
- scheduling for certain sessions (esp. Hive Cookbook)
- Follow up possibilities with participants
- food (dinner should have food ;)
ideas for next year:
- put even more emphasis on documentation and building specific things (like teaching kits). Have an army of volunteers whose sole job is this
- integrate skill sharing for tech, not necessarily through sessions, but somehow
- have more decentralized MozFests (i.e. Mozfest Africa, Mozfest India)
- more valuable ways for remotees to participate
- more time for debriefing
2014 Thoughts
Finally, after we talked through our Mozfest thoughts, we did some silent etherpadding to set desires and goals for 2014.
At the Team level, we want to integrate better with one another, make the go-to place for everyone who wants to teach the web, understand our community and potential communities better and lay out roadmaps for team meetups and projects in advance. We’d also like to define how we integrate with the rest of the foundation while being unique.
At the Webmaker Mentor level our goals focus on train the trainer initiatives, content scaffolding, community recognition and engagement and building our community.
The Hive level plugs into the ideas of train the trainer as well, and would also like to coalesce with individual Hives better. Additionally, the Hive folks want to establish more Hives, get better at packaging offerings and tie in with other team initiatives in a more succinct way.
Maker Party specific desires and goals include building out partner relationships and having better content for event facilitators. It’s also necessary to solidify campaign processes and procedures, and get better at metrics.
Mozfest link collection (post wrap-ups, mozfest related links here)
- Scrum Makes
- CogDog’s blog
- Chad Sansing (Focus: his dream state for future Webmaker features/uses)
- Christina Cantril (Focus: Process and training ideas, teaching kits…even calling it punk rock!)
- Peter Kittle (Focus: First time MozFest reflections TLDR Loved it, wants a more mashed-up experience)
- Making with the Crazy MoFos
- Kathryn’s “Top 4 Things I Learned at My First MozFest”
- Laura’s My Thanks to MozFest-ers
- CLAW on Airtime interview re: Hive Learning Networks
- Leah, Sam and Matt Hannigan podcast for Connected Educator’s Month about Hive putting Connected Learning into action
- Photos from Connect Your City track, including epic Maker Party
- Maker Party photo highlights on Facebook
- #HiveBuzz storify
- Doug’s Reflections
- Mozfest > Connect Your City
- Mozfest > Global Hive session
- Maker Party Teaching Kits
- Julia’s Three things that enabled productivity at mozfest