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Stuff I write
There are hundreds and hundreds of blog posts on this site. In the early days of the web I wrote with more variety and much more regularly. Nowadays many of my posts are about client projects and current “professional” endeavors. My newsletter is a good place for the rest of my writing.
- [FBT] on Contracts and ComplianceMaybe I’m kicking off I spent entirely too much time this week pretending to be a lawyer. I read and edited contracts and data processing policies, I reformulated legalese and created payment milestones and statements of work. I stressed out about the templates people and organisations use and suggested changes.… Read More »[FBT] on Contracts and Compliance
- [FBT] on Salves and ShortcutsMaybe I’m local On Thursdays, I try to remember to go to the Thursday market that materialises every week just a couple of blocks away. Have I already told you about the Thursday market There’s an egg lady and a vegetable guy and there’s a man selling fish. There is… Read More »[FBT] on Salves and Shortcuts
- [FBT] on Watching and WaitingMaybe I’m watching Looks like all we need to do to save the world is get our narrative in order. We need a unified message. Corruption as a central point will help. So I guess the message is “Those guys are corrupt af.” Ok, now that we’ve taken care of… Read More »[FBT] on Watching and Waiting
- [FBT] on Acorns and AuthorshipMaybe I’m burying The ice is melting, so we’re finding junk from other civilisations. I call it junk because I live in a 350 year old farmhouse. Whenever I dig around in the garden, I find some junk. I found an old shoe once, circa early 1900s. And a smashed… Read More »[FBT] on Acorns and Authorship
- [FBT] on Resistance and RevisionMaybe I’m posting Lately, in every newsletter I read, people are talking about the onslaught of our sanity. It’s a tactic, folks have pointed out, clearly outlined during Orange Administration Numero Uno. They told us all they were going to implement their weird and darkly terrifying policy junk. Everything is… Read More »[FBT] on Resistance and Revision
- [FBT] on Nuance and NominalismMaybe I’m published It’s slow, still. Co-op members are kind of waiting around for things to start to move. Contracts to be signed. Emails to be returned. Spring to unfurl. Waiting. We are not great at waiting. I’m not great at waiting, although I am totally fine at waiting in… Read More »[FBT] on Nuance and Nominalism
- Systemic complexities with AICross-posted on the WAO blog This series is a brief look at the content within Harnessing AI for Environmental Justice, a report WAO developed for Friends of the Earth, funded by Mozilla. Read or download the full report here. Check out Part 1, Understanding Predominant Narratives in AI. In this… Read More »Systemic complexities with AI
- Understanding Predominant Narratives in AICross-posted on the WAO blog Over the past months, WAO has been working on a report called Harnessing AI for Environmental Justice for Friends of the Earth. Funded by Mozilla, the report is a deep dive into the landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and what Big Tech’s newest hype means… Read More »Understanding Predominant Narratives in AI
- [FBT] on Dawdling and DoodlingMaybe I’m solidaric When the pandemic started gathering attention in the Lombardy region of Italy, I was supposed to be going there. My roller derby league was supposed to play a tournament that weekend. About 25 of us were going to head down there, travel was booked. The news that… Read More »[FBT] on Dawdling and Doodling
- [FBT] on Complacency and ConferencesMaybe I’m successful My brain told itself that I was basically going to keep puttering along with nothing much to think about or say for the foreseeable future. It convinced itself that for all the effort in making the world a better place, it would, indeed, never bother to get… Read More »[FBT] on Complacency and Conferences
- [FBT] on Care and ChaosMaybe I’m careful My mom (hi mom!) learned a new word from a friend and texted me the Wikipedia page for Kakistocracy: “a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens” WIkipedia When I was a teenager, I was pen pals with a guy in a Tennessee… Read More »[FBT] on Care and Chaos
- [FBT] on Softness and ScrewedMaybe I’m soft Good god almighty the Tech Bros, amirite!? I mean, we all knew they were supremely full of shit, but sometimes they at least pretended to be benevolent. Not anymore. Everyone is still up in arms about Zuck’s opportunist about-face on decency. And Musk is…well Musk. I don’t… Read More »[FBT] on Softness and Screwed
- [FBT] on Anniversaries and ArtMaybe I’m ten 2025, eh? Here we are. I started writing this newsletter in 2015, so that’s a ten year anniversary. 2015 was the most traumatic year of my life. Something happened that shook hell and Earth for me, changed me permanently and made me privy to a kind of… Read More »[FBT] on Anniversaries and Art
- Podcasts I’m listening to in late 2024Podcast chain letter For those of you who are unawares, Doug Belshaw and I have been working together for longer than your 8th grader has been alive. Yesterday he posted about his podcasting habits, after Bryan Alexander posted about his podcasting habits, so now I’m posting about my podcasting habits… Read More »Podcasts I’m listening to in late 2024
- Activists, Campaigners and Advocates versus AIGreening AI: A Roundtable Reflection cross-posted on the WAO blog Together with Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) or EWNI, we recently brought together climate and environmental justice campaigners, digital rights advocates, and other engaged activists. We discussed a set of shared principles for how we, as… Read More »Activists, Campaigners and Advocates versus AI

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