Thanks for finding me!
👋 Hi! I’m an expert in open principles, community building, technology for a better world and some other things.
Being cooperative.

We Are Open Co-op
I work independently on a variety of creative endeavors and enjoy working through We Are Open Co-op on complex client projects. The co-op members are crazy smart and overall fantastic humans. They’ve called me a “tech wizard”, “creative genius” and “expert facilitator”.
Biography Basics.
I’m a generalist and a specialist. An open strategist. A facilitator. A writer. A technologist. An intellectual multipod. A skater. I’m a lot of things. I create bridges where community, technology and learning meet up.
I work with Greenpeace quite a bit. I spent over 5 years at Mozilla. I am a founding member of the We Are Open Co-op. I’ve failed at a start-up and succeeded at earning a Masters in Media & Education. I write books and make stuff.
I mostly work at trying to make the world a better, cleaner, more equitable place. I like decentralization and distributed leadership.

I’m a thinker and a maker. I teach, speak, collaborate, make and write to help organizations with digital transformation, leadership development, curriculum and open strategies. I work to build healthy, open communities and am an Ambassador for Opensource.com. Find out more about what I do or just get in touch!
Stuff I write.

Writing openly.
I write for the WAO blog, Greenpeace publications, Opensource.com and many other places on the web. Everything I write eventually ends up on this site, and there are posts here that don’t appear anywhere else. Have a search of the archives if you’re looking for something!
- [FBT] on Contracts and ComplianceMaybe I’m kicking off I spent entirely too much time this week pretending to be a lawyer. I read and edited contracts and data processing policies, I reformulated legalese and created payment milestones and statements of work. I stressed out about the templates people and organisations use and suggested changes. I did this to get… Read More »[FBT] on Contracts and Compliance
- [FBT] on Salves and ShortcutsMaybe I’m local On Thursdays, I try to remember to go to the Thursday market that materialises every week just a couple of blocks away. Have I already told you about the Thursday market There’s an egg lady and a vegetable guy and there’s a man selling fish. There is a cheese stand and a… Read More »[FBT] on Salves and Shortcuts
- [FBT] on Watching and WaitingMaybe I’m watching Looks like all we need to do to save the world is get our narrative in order. We need a unified message. Corruption as a central point will help. So I guess the message is “Those guys are corrupt af.” Ok, now that we’ve taken care of that, we should probably feel… Read More »[FBT] on Watching and Waiting